Need to Know Information About New Zealand

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New Zealand – Know More

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The Kiwi Country of New Zealand has exceptional seismic beauty, lofty mountains, crystal clear rivers, lakes and hot geysers! Thick abundant forests, secluded golden beaches and widespread variety of fauna makes New Zealand an ideal destination for Job Seekers and Home Makers alike.

For Job Seekers in New Zealand, Work Opportunities are abundant, especially in the fields of medicine. The tiny island of New Zealand has more than 11,000 employees providing wonderful opportunities.

However, before you take the plunge and move to New Zealand, arm yourself with a few facts about the country.

Facts and Figures

Capital City : Wellington
Land Area : 268,680 km sq
Currency : New Zealand dollar (NZD)
Climate : Mild and Temperate
Culture : Predominantly English with a lot of Maori influence
Government : Constitutional Monarchy
Language : English and Maori
The Kiwi land provides a chance at the high life for its inhabitants. New Zealand may be a small island country, but it is technologically very advanced and offers a modern lifestyle that is the best blend of city life and sophistication. The Most Desirable Features Of Living In New Zealand Are:
  • Access to a vast range of Outdoor Activities.
  • Serene & Picturesque Landscape of Lakes, Mountains, Forests and Beaches.
  • Opportunities to indulge in fine cuisine.
  • A Vibrant Night Life and great Café Scenes.
  • Mild & Pleasant climate that ranges on an average of 20-30 degree Celsius during summer and 10-15 degree Celsius in winter.
  • Diversity in art. Artistic works include those of indigenous Maori people, Pacific Islanders, Asians and Europeans.
  • Cultural events such as art exhibitions, theatre productions and sporting events.
With all these tempting lifestyle options, it’s no wonder that New Zealand is home to a large number of artists, musicians and actors. New Zealand is a popular destination for tourists too. In recent times, New Zealand has been the shooting location of many high profile movies such as The Piano, Lord of The Rings and Whale Riders. This has consequently resulted in the increase of tourists to New Zealand and thus boosted the economy too.

Real Estate

Most New Zealanders are homeowners. However, there is also a large rental market. Residents, thus, have a choice of either buying or renting accommodation. An average New Zealand house has 3 bedrooms with the house being made of brick with weatherboard exterior. Almost all Real Estate Agencies have attached rental agencies which make it easier to find rental accommodations in New Zealand. Rental accommodations are available on either furnished or semi-furnished basis.


New Zealanders are a diverse race of people. The population largely consists of multi cultural groups of British and Maori origins. Close ties with the nearby Pacific Islands have also influenced the New Zealand culture. In recent times, there has also been an increase in Asian migrants to New Zealand giving it a more varied flavor. New Zealanders have a relaxed attitude towards life and pursue sports, arts and other interests with passion. They are a hospitable race and share a common interest in sustaining the growth of different cultures.


The New Zealand education curriculum is internationally recognized. Education is free government funded at primary and secondary level. Private schooling options are also available and a wide variety of universities, colleges and other educational institutions.

Sports & Recreations

New Zealanders are sports enthusiasts and have representatives in all major sports of the world. A large part of New Zealand culture involves sports, with locals either participating or supporting local teams. New Zealand has the facilities for some of the world’s best action and adventure sports. The diverse New Zealand landscape provides an excellent backdrop for many high action sports such as mountaineering, climbing, skiing, rafting and spelunking. For those who prefer more relaxed activities, the stunning scenery is more than enough.

Living In NZ


Living costs in New Zealand depends on the area where you live. Living outside the major cities is less expensive compared to living within the city. At present, New Zealand is ranked among the 50 countries with lowest living costs and among 30 for high living quality. Almost every New Zealander owns a home. Home ownership is easy with numerous options and wide price range.


The daily living expenses are influenced by the monetary policies implemented by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand. Income taxes are required to be paid by all residents and are deducted by the employers on a Pay As You Earn basis (PAYE). All employees are required to register with the Inland Revenue Department for an IRD number. The Application Form for the IRD number can be obtained at


Road rules in New Zealand are strict.
  • All motorists drive on the left hand side and it is mandatory to wear seatbelts.
  • Movers to New Zealand can drive for a maximum period of one year from the date of arrival in New Zealand, only if they have an overseas driver’s license or international driving permit.
  • All drivers must carry their licenses with them at all times.
  • Details regarding driving licenses & permits are available at

The government of New Zealand provides an excellent healthcare system combining public and private providers.
  • A funding by the government allows eligible people to receive health and disability services.
  • A special unit known as the Accident Rehabilitation and Compensation Insurance Corporation (ACC) provide treatment for people injured in accidents.
  • Private health Care is also available for those who want it. It is paid by individuals and many New Zealander carry private medical insurance to avail of Private Health Care.
  • It is best for individuals who are to work for less than 2 yrs to have a medical insurance policy for the duration of their stay in the country.
  • The Health and Safety Act of 1992 takes care of workplace safety and has the support of the Occupational Safety and Health Service (OSH) in providing a safe and healthy work environment.
Work & Qualification Recognition

Work in New Zealand is plenty. It is available on permanent as well as temporary basis. For those who are looking for permanent jobs in New Zealand, options available are:
  • Skilled migrant jobs for people with specific skills, qualifications and experience who want to live and work in New Zealand permanently.
  • Work to residence jobs which allow an individual to obtain a temporary work visa and/or permit for gaining permanent residence. Applicants need to have qualifications that are in demand in New Zealand or have exceptional talent in the areas of sports or arts.
  • Residences to work jobs is for people already living in New Zealand with a work to residence permit and are looking forward to applying for residence.
  • Employees of relocating companies can apply for a work permit if they are shifting base along with the company. A residence permit can be applied for later.
For temporary workers, New Zealand offers:
  • Temporary work visas and permits to people with part time job offers from New Zealand based employers. It is also available to people who want to gain work experience or get a job after studying in New Zealand.
  • Temporary jobs for people between 18-30 years are available as work holidays.
  • Seasonal work is available in the horticulture and viticulture industries for maintaining, harvesting or packing crops.
Details on various job options and information on work permits and visas is available on

Relocating To New Zealand

No country is perfect, and you have to accept that fact. There will be things that you like and others that you don’t. However, if you focus on the bright side, your migration to New Zealand is bound to get easier. But, before making the move, you need to know all about visa rules and regulations in New Zealand.

Citizens of quite a few countries do not need a visa if they are visiting New Zealand for a period of 3 months or less. Those countries include Andorra, Argentina, Austria, Bahrain, Belgium, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea (South), Kuwait, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Oman, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, San Marino, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates, United States of America and Uruguay. However, they are still required to provide travel tickets and evidence of maintenance funds.

Visa options in New Zealand are many and while applying for a visa you need to have a good idea of the alternatives and which types suits your personal situation best.

Three Main Visa options are
  • Work Visa
  • Business Visa and
  • Study Visa
Alternative Visa options are
  • Tourist Visa
  • Work Permits and
  • Family Migration Visa
Before starting the Visa Application process, you need to fulfill the following criteria –
  • Health – Each individual coming to New Zealand needs a complete medical examination and chest x-ray certificates from a doctor
  • Character – Every visa applicant over 17 years needs to have a police certificate to verify the individual’s good character.
  • High Standard of English – all individuals aged 16 years and above should be able to read, write and speak English to a very high standard. The standard of English is measured using the International English Language Testing System (IELTS).
Complete Visa details and downloadable forms are available at

Author :

on June 11, 2015 - Moving Expert
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