Stay Organised During the Unpacking Process

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Stay Organised While Unpacking

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After a move, you're exhausted and just want to relax - but you can't. There's still unpacking to do! Hopefully, you've remained organised throughout your move, so unpacking be a breeze. While unpacking may be a chaotic task, check out the following tips to keep you organised. 

Stay organised from the start

The first step starts before you even begin your move. When packing your belongings, be sure to start off organised so you'll have less issues after the move. When packing your items, focus on one room at a time. This not only helps you stay organised, but it keeps you from becoming overwhelmed while you're packing. 

Don't forget to pack an essential items box separately from the rest of your items. This box will contain your toiletries, a change of clothing, towels--anything that you might need for your first night or two in a new home.

Unpack room by room

When you begin unpacking your items, focus on one room at a time just like you did when you packed everything. Start with your essentials box--that way when it comes time to wind down at the end of the day, you don't have to go searching through the house for those items. 

Once those items are unpacked, hit the bedroom next so you have a comfortable place to sleep. Moving onto the kitchen next is your best bet so you can make dinner at home instead of ordering food. After the kitchen, move onto the bathrooms, then the living room, and leave any outdoor areas like garages until the end. 

Try to keep a schedule

If you start unpacking a room, try to finish it before moving onto the next room. If you're able to keep each room down to one or two days, you should have your house unpacked in no time. 

Keep track of any damage

As a part of keeping your move organised, you should have made an inventory of your items. As you're unpacking, mark off the items on your inventory list--that way you'll be able to make note of any damage when you file a claim with the moving company. 

Hire professionals

Of course, if you don't want to worry about staying organised during your move, you can always let someone else handle the process for you. Hiring a professional moving company can take a load of stress off to help keep you sane during your move in New Zealand.

Author :

on June 11, 2015 - Moving Expert
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